Chaos City ComicsComics new and second hand

Over 15,000 comics in stock

In the heart of St Albans is a Comic and game store with a difference. Every week Chaos City takes delivery of hundreds of new issues fresh from America. They stock major publishers like Marvel, DC, Image, IDW and Dark Horse etc as well as some small press and self published works. The shop is laid out clearly with helpful signage. You can browse and go to your favourites straight away. If you can't see it, they'll find it for you.  


The Basement floor is home to all back issue collections. 15.000+ are bagged, boarded and catalogued. Comics from all publishers, creators and eras are on view. It's the perfect place to visit and fill the gaps in your collection. There are also a small collection of English published Marvel and Manga novels, plus, a wide selection of Variant Covers, to give your collection that unique look. 

Standing Orders 

Chaos City Comics offers a standing order service so you'll never miss out on the titles you love. For this service you will receive Silver Age Comic Bags and Boards as well as Comic Storage Boxes to keep your collection in the very best shape. There is also a mail order service for all customers. All mail orders are also bagged and boarded to ensure top quality condition and quality. The only extra is that you pay is the postage. 


Chaos City also offers a Membership Card. For £10 a year it gives you 10% discount off your final purchase total each time you shop.


Chaos City Comics supports table top gaming by hosting a large variety of gaming events and by keeping a rotating supply of modern table top games. The dedicated game's shelf has a wide range of board games that will satisfy many different varieties of gamers. Also available are accessories such as sleeves, dice, dice bags and deck boxes.

Graphic Novels

Graphic novels are the best way of jumping into a story without the monthly wait of individual issues. A collected chunk of a story, normally between 6 - 12 issues. Chaos City stock a huge range of Graphic Novels from across all major publishers. They are available in soft cover, hard back or special edition slip case formats.   


A Collectible Statue, model or Figure can be a fantastic purchase to set off your front room, office or man-cave. They also make fantastic gifts. Chaos City Comics stock a large range of products from the world's biggest and best producers of fine collectables. All statues are limited edition and certificated for authenticity. The selection of action figures ranges from Star Wars to Marvel, X-Men to the Walking Dead and much, much more. 


Chaos City Comics believe in nurturing a community and as such offer a variety of table top gaming events. Whether its magic, board games or role-playing games, you'll find something for yourself. The gaming community is incredibly welcoming whether you're completely new to the hobby or an experienced veteran. All events start Friday's at 7pm. 

Get down to Chaos City Comics for an incredible experience.

Comics new and second hand

Opening Times

  • Mon 11am - 5.30pm
  • Tue 11am - 5.30pm
  • Wed 11am - 5.30pm
  • Thur 11am - 10.30pm
  • Fri 11am - 10.30pm
  • Sat 10am - 5.30pm
  • Sun 12am - 4pm

Additional info:


Comics new and second hand


  • Credit Cards
  • Returns Policy
  • Gift Vouchers

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