Sherrardswood SchoolCo-educational School for 2-18 Year Olds

Outstanding school that regularly tops the GCSE pass rates

Sherrardswood School is a small and friendly, co-educational school for children aged 2-18 years. The school has an outstanding reputation for first-class care and education for just over 300 children. Sherrardswood have been educating and enriching the lives of young people for nearly ninety years and are proud of its long history of academic excellence. From Pre-School through to Sixth Form, Sherradswood School provide a seamless progression of outstanding education aimed at developing the talents, skills and personality of every pupil. An outstanding education made possible through a combination of a supportive, family atmosphere, small class sizes and exceptional teaching. This happy combination is further enhanced by Sherrardswood's uniquely magnificent grounds and setting. As you drive through the gates you will immediately understand why every pupil and every teacher starts the day inspired to give their very best.


At Sherrardswood School everyone knows and values each other. The focus is truly on the individual child and their own, personal endeavour. Through instilling a love of learning in the Early Years and nurturing children through Prep and Senior the school enables its students to achieve at the highest level at GCSE and A Level. Sherrardswood School regularly tops league tables for GCSE passes and they are so proud of the 86% A* to B record. Sherrardswood students don't just pass, they excel.


School accounts for a huge proportion of a child’s life and parents need to have the unwavering belief that whilst at school, they are always being both fully motivated and protected. At Sherrardswood Preparatory School they fully embrace this sentiment and truly believe that a happy child will flourish and reach their true potential. The closely knit community and small class sizes ensure that every child is known and understood by all. The magnificent grounds encourage the dedicated teachers to extend the learning beyond the constraints of the classroom, incorporating opportunities to utilise the outdoors as a vehicle to promote a desire and passion for learning. Sherrardswood School understand that children all learn in different ways and the school allows pupils to discover themselves in a safe and supported environment with the whole child being celebrated and valued as an important member of the community. The children are challenged intellectually, creatively and physically with manners and kindness being central to all that the school do. The school strongly believe that a first rate education should not only lead to excellent exam results. How pupils interact with each other and develop as valuable members of society, with positive principles and enthusiasm for all life can offer, is of equal importance to Sherrardswood.  


The school are dedicated to providing a unique family environment where they can discover and develop the talents and personality of each child. Young people are nurtured and grow into self-assured, happy adults who aspire to the highest levels of personal achievement. If you were to ask current parents why they chose Sherrardswood, they would tell you that the children are happy, confident and inquisitive, yet excited and enthused by the challenges before them. They might add that Sherrardswood succeeds in combining academic excellence with a wealth of extra curricular opportunities, all underpinned by a deep commitment to the individual needs and enthusiasms of each one of the students. The result is happy, confident individuals who are ready and prepared to thrive in the next stage of their life.

Sixth Form

The focus of our Sixth Form is to educate and nurture young, aspiring academics in their chosen fields of interest. Viewed as school leaders by the younger generations, being a Sixth Form student is a responsibility and a privilege. The atmosphere of the Sixth Form is very special. Students who join from other schools are made to feel very welcome and quickly settle in. There is a designated Sixth Form area where students can get to know one another and work individually or together in a supportive and purposeful, yet social environment. Sherrardswood School's Sixth Form students go on to study at many of the top universities. 

To find out more about this outstanding school please visit the Sherrardswood School website. 

Co-educational School for 2-18 Year Olds

Opening Times

  • Mon 8am - 5pm
  • Tue 8am - 5pm
  • Wed 8am - 5pm
  • Thur 8am - 5pm
  • Fri 8am - 5pm
Co-educational School for 2-18 Year Olds


  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Private Schools

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