Heath Mount SchoolIndependent school for boys and girls aged 3-13

One of the finest schools in the country  

Heath Mount is an outstanding co-educational Prep school set in beautiful Hertfordshire countryside. Childhoods are cherished at Heath Mount School and children are nurtured as they are given the opportunities to explore their talents and deepen their learning. The dedicated team of teachers are passionate about opening up new avenues of learning for every child whilst giving them the space and time to imagine, create and play.


Children are welcomed into the state of the art Nursery School from the September after they are 3. From the very start, they are encouraged to be investigators and make the most of the beautiful bright indoor and outdoor space. Teachers adopt a child-centred approach to learning and development that allows the youngest pupils to follow their interests and be active thinkers and learners. They begin to collaborate and communicate with friends and think for themselves.


The transition from Nursery School to Reception sees a more formal timetable being introduced. The emphasis is still on learning through fun, play-based activities. The children are taught in small groups and may improve their counting skills by adding up pine cones in the forest or refine their phonics in the Library. Like every other year group in Pre-Prep, Reception children journey out once a term to local museums, zoos and farms to consolidate what they are learning in class. Children also receive enriching visits from a variety of external sources which have included Little Angel Theatre Company, the Fire Brigade, St Albans Cathedral Outreach, Zoo Lab and Ark Farm. 


The Prep School is split into three sections with each having a Head of Year to oversee the pastoral and academic welfare of each year group. These sections are known as Lower School (Years 3 and 4), Middle School (Years 5 and 6) and Senior School (Years 7 and 8). Heath Mount School are very proud to be a 13+ school and children leave us to go to some of the most prestigious schools in the country. Many of these pupils gain scholarships. In the Prep School, the school aspires to find the talent that lies within each child and then nurture it. Heath Mount School are fortunate to have an outstanding team of teachers and support staff who are skilled and passionate about teaching children and are able to give the pupils opportunities and experiences that few Prep schools can offer.


Heath Mount is dedicated to not only providing an academically rich and rigorous curriculum but also an inclusive and exciting extra-curricular programme that promotes a well-rounded education. The adventurous Outdoor Education programme, broad range of trips, inspiring workshops and incredible selection of clubs and activities give pupils skills for life as well as the chance to develop their interests and passions.


There is no better place for children to try out and experience boarding than in heath Mounts homely flexi-boarding houses. From the Lent term of Year 3 onwards children have the option to stay from between one night to four nights a week or simply for the occasional sleepover with friends. The boarders have lots of fun with their friends and the camaraderie, comforting accommodation and supportive staff mean that the houses really are a home from home. Though some of the boarders only choose to stay one night a week, many enjoy their experiences so much that they increase their frequency of boarding as they move through the school. 


Heath Mount School offer over 50 clubs per week that take place before school, in break times and after school as part of the wraparound care provision. The wide-ranging choice of activities allows children to try new things, develop existing skills and interests and build friendships outside the classroom. Most clubs are free and run by the talented staff while some specialist clubs are run by outside providers and require payment. Whether your child loves lego, crafting, sports or performing arts, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Examples of clubs and activities on offer each term include: Art, Board Games, Brain & Body, Ballet with Georgina Pay School of Dance*, Bax Choir, Bax Consort Choir, Book Club, Brass Group, Chamber Choir, Craft Club, Cricket, Commercial Dance with Cassana Performance Academy*, Drama by Lemon Jelly*, Football*, Gardening, Golf, Guitar Group, Gymnastics*, Hockey, Jazz Group, Judo*, Junior Choir (Pre-Prep), Junior Orchestra, Junior Strings, LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art)*, Lego, Music Theory, Mindfulness, Netball, Pottery, Scuba diving*, String Septet, Senior Strings, Spanish with Little Linguists*, STEM science, Table tennis and Wind Band. * charges apply.

Please see the Heath Mount website for further details about this outstanding school.

Independent school for boys and girls aged 3-13

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Opening Times

  • Mon 8am - 4.45pm
  • Tue 8am - 4.45pm
  • Wed 8am - 4.45pm
  • Thur 8am - 4.45pm
  • Fri 8am - 4.45pm
  • Sat 8am - 4.45pm
  • Sun 8am - 4.45pm
Independent school for boys and girls aged 3-13


  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Private Schools

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