St Catherine's SchoolMixed primary school

Good values and ethics

St Catherine's is a mixed primary school in Hoddesdon. At St Catherine's they strive to provide a caring, positive environment in which all members of the school community, irrespective of age, race, religious beliefs, sexual orientation, gender or disability are encouraged and expected to respect one another. The school has core values and beliefs such as:

Be Ready, Be Respectful, Be Safe

St Catherine's have a renewed focus on reading. Their aim is to become a centre of excellence for reading. A school where the whole community develop a genuine love and enjoyment of the written word and read for pleasure

In Life

The school aim to develop independent children who are equipped for the world they are living in, prepared for the challenges of the future and who strive for excellence in all they do. St Catherine's seek to nurture children who appreciate the richness, diversity and potential of the world beyond their own, including their responsibilities within it.

In Learning

The school are wholly committed to ensuring children master secure knowledge and understanding across the curriculum, having the skills to apply and express their understanding. The school continues to provide opportunities for children to take risks, explore and have the courage to follow their curiosity, helping them to discover their own voice and identity.

With God

St Catherine's look forward to preserving and developing its religious character in partnership with the church and the diocese, encouraging children to explore their own beliefs and living according to the school's Christian values.


In partnership, to live, learn and grow in independence and in faith through hope in the future.

For further information please see St Catherine's School website.

Mixed primary school

Opening Times

  • Mon 8.30am - 3.30pm
  • Tue 8.30am - 3.30pm
  • Wed 8.30am - 3.30pm
  • Thur 8.30am - 3.30pm
  • Fri 8.30am - 3.30pm
Mixed primary school


  • Primary

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