Sir John Lawes SchoolMixed state secondary school with academy status

School with traditional values 

Sir John Lawes School is a mixed state secondary school with academy status in Harpenden. The school has been delivering an outstanding education for all students for over 80 years. The school combines the best of traditional values with the very latest in teaching methods and technologies. Sir John Lawes Schools' 'National Teaching School' status reflects the importance it places on recruiting and developing the very highest quality staff in all areas of the organisation. The school received their 4th consecutive Artsmark Gold award demonstrating the emphasis that is placed on creativity for all students and the school's position as a National Support School. Sir John Lawes strongly believes in sharing good practice to bring about school improvement.

Vision & Values  

The shared vision and values of the school community are summed up in the Sir John Lawes ACE: Achievement, Care and Excellence. The ACE underpins everything that we do and provides a secure basis for all we strive to accomplish. Achievement in academic, artistic, sporting, cultural and other forms with a focus on teaching and learning. Care for students, staff and others beyond the school community. Excellent standards, manners, honesty, personal integrity and uniform. The school's vision is to produce responsible young people of whom we can all be proud, who have achieved more than they ever believed possible and who are prepared to contribute to their local, national and global communities.

Overview of the curriculum

Sir John Lawes' intention is to offer a broad and balanced curriculum which is stimulating and challenging, meets the needs of the full ability range of all students and prepares them to be successful in a changing world.

School Trips

Sir John Lawes School always tries to provide its students with opportunities for personal and educational enrichment through a varied programme of residential trips. These trips support the curriculum and try to encompass most departments. Recent trips were organised to provide personal development opportunities and an invaluable bonding experience for our younger students. 

Please see the Sir John Lawes School website for further details.

Mixed state secondary school with academy status

Opening Times

  • Mon 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Tue 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Wed 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Thur 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm
Mixed state secondary school with academy status


  • Secondary
  • Academies

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