Goffs AcademyAcademy for boys and girls aged 11-18 years

A thriving Academy 

Goffs Academy are a mixed 11-18 comprehensive Academy with approximately 1,450 students. This includes a thriving and successful Sixth Form. The Academy is extremely popular in the local area, with an average of over 800 applications annually for the 240 places available. There is a significant waiting lists for places across the year groups.

Academy Information

The Trust was established following a direct approach by the DfE and currently consists of two schools: Goffs and Goffs-Churchgate Academy. The name “Generations” was deliberately chosen for our Trust and reflects our desire to grow into a Trust that educates and nurtures children from their first days at school to young adulthood at 18 years of age.


The world-class £20m facilities including a suite of high spec Science laboratories, top range ICT provision and a host of amazing sporting facilities, including a new 3rd Generation Astro Turf, to name but a few.


Goffs promotes respect for each other, for themselves and for the environment. Goffs Academy have moved into a brand new school building, which has provided an inspiring, modern and professional working and learning environment. All the students, staff and parents are part of one community at Goffs Academy. They teach students to respect, support, and demonstrate concern for each other. Goffs also wants students to be confident and to achieve. 


For admissions and all further information please visit the Goffs Academy website.

Academy for boys and girls aged 11-18 years

Opening Times

  • Mon 8.30am - 4,30pm
  • Tue 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Wed 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Thur 8.30am - 4.30pm
  • Fri 8.30am - 4.30pm
Academy for boys and girls aged 11-18 years


  • Academies

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